In a magical fairy kingdom, the Princess Aurora is born to the King and Queen, much to the celebration of all. But, furious at not being invited, the Wicked Fairy Carabosse curses the newborn princess, to prick her finger on her sixteenth birthday and die. But quick to save her, the Lilac Fairy intervenes, altering the curse so that the princess would only fall asleep, to be awakened by true love’s kiss. The timeless tale of Sleeping Beauty is retold and reimagined through the medium of dance by York’s finest talent.
SPECIAL OFFER | Book three shows together and save 10% |
Sat 5 Oct
Electrifying dances, stunning vocals and captivating acting
West End star Rebel Dean delivers a full audio-visual spectacular with live band, rare footage and favourite hits
Sat 14 Sep
Part of the York Beethoven Project, the White Rose Singers perform ground-breaking music from stage and screen